Hobo Trophy – Flight, 1991
Wood, newspaper and bandana

Hobo Trophy – (left to right) The Great Divide, Happy and Sad, 1991
Wood, newspaper and bandana

Hobo Trophy – Happy and Sad, 1991 (detail)
Wood, newspaper and bandana

Dell, 1991
Antiqued oak wine barrel, plastic apples and naval supply boots.

Betty, 1991
Antiqued birch row boat, 12 ft x 4 1/2 ft

Betty, 1991 (detail)
Antiqued birch row boat, 12 ft x 4 1/2 ft

Betty, 1991
Antiqued birch row boat, 12 ft x 4 1/2 ft

Stinkin' Lincoln, 1991 (installation view)
The Lab, San Francisco

Stinkin' Lincoln, 1991 (installation view)
The Lab, San Francisco

Beaver Chews, 1993
Wood, acrylic paint and varnish

Beaver Chews, 1993 (detail)
Wood, acrylic paint and varnish

Hobo Trophy – Flight, 1991
Wood, newspaper and bandana
Hobo Trophy – (left to right) The Great Divide, Happy and Sad, 1991
Wood, newspaper and bandana
Hobo Trophy – Happy and Sad, 1991 (detail)
Wood, newspaper and bandana
Dell, 1991
Antiqued oak wine barrel, plastic apples and naval supply boots.
Betty, 1991
Antiqued birch row boat, 12 ft x 4 1/2 ft
Betty, 1991 (detail)
Antiqued birch row boat, 12 ft x 4 1/2 ft
Betty, 1991
Antiqued birch row boat, 12 ft x 4 1/2 ft
Stinkin' Lincoln, 1991 (installation view)
The Lab, San Francisco
Stinkin' Lincoln, 1991 (installation view)
The Lab, San Francisco
Beaver Chews, 1993
Wood, acrylic paint and varnish
Beaver Chews, 1993 (detail)
Wood, acrylic paint and varnish
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